CentOS 5 server pt 2

Continue of previous blog CentOS server pt 1.

Once finished installing, restart your system by logging with root. After restart you will get a setup agent page like above shown. Go to firewall configuration and disable firewall, this can be enabled later on. Regarding the selinux I disabled that too. If you want to read what that is go to link for further details on would you or not disable it. Well I didn't read the whole page but I know one thing, don't want  so I disabled it. Reboot your computer to take effect.

Once you have configured the firewall and the selinux, exit the Setup Agent.
Now all work in commands. Here is the main view you will get.  Log in and if you want to unplug your mouse, it is okay since the next step you wouldn't need one. I think. Well, if you do then plug it back. huhu.
Let us see our internet interface, is it okay? Type in ifconfig. Here is what mine displayed.

My eth0 interface is working as recieve and transmit has some kind of value. Next, lets try to ping to the outside world. Let us ping Yahoo!, Google or any other search engine's server. Ping is a command use to see if connection can be established or not. Type in ping www.google.com
This is what I got from the pinging.
PING any-fp.wa1.b.yahoo.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.                                                                             
64 bytes from ir1.fp.vip.sp2.yahoo.com ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=53 time=257 ms
64 bytes from ir1.fp.vip.sp2.yahoo.com ( icmp_seq=4 ttl=53 time=244 ms
64 bytes from ir1.fp.vip.sp2.yahoo.com ( icmp_seq=5 ttl=53 time=249 ms
64 bytes from ir1.fp.vip.sp2.yahoo.com ( icmp_seq=6 ttl=53 time=251 ms
64 bytes from ir1.fp.vip.sp2.yahoo.com ( icmp_seq=8 ttl=53 time=258 ms
64 bytes from ir1.fp.vip.sp2.yahoo.com ( icmp_seq=9 ttl=53 time=243 ms
64 bytes from ir1.fp.vip.sp2.yahoo.com ( icmp_seq=10 ttl=53 time=246 ms
--- any-fp.wa1.b.yahoo.com ping statistics ---
18 packets transmitted, 13 received, 27% packet loss, time 18573ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 243.358/254.329/272.926/9.061 ms
Not forgetting, to end the ping press ctrl+c. Else you would be pinging endlessly.

Lets adjust the hosts. Use any text editors built in such as vi or nano. I use nano cause more user friendly rather than vi. Here is a comparison on editing the host by vi and nano.
Press i to insert.
Make changes then press esc. To save and quit press :wq.
All the commands you got to know. Want to know more on how to use vi go to link.
Make changes and then press ctrl+x to quit. It will then prompt you "want to save?" y to save.
If you are a newbie and doesn't like reading all the commands required to edit a text I prefer you choose nano.

Okay, now we have choose our text editor let us edit the host file. Type in nano /etc/hosts Edit your host file so that it look something like this
# Do not remove the following line, or various programs
# that require network functionality will fail.               localhost.localdomain localhost           fspppsvr.uitm.edu.my fspppsvr
::1             localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6
Now, let us update the softwares that we have in our system. Below will get your gpg key then off you go update the system. This takes a while depending on your network.
rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY*

yum update -y

Refer back Part 1
Continue Part 3


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