VMWare Fusion NAT Port Foward

Using VMWare workstation u can enable the port foward and modify the incoming and outgoing route. There's a problem with Mac Osx users, who generally use VMWare Fusion as an alternative. Why this is a major concern, because I don't like to use bridge thats why. Huhu.

Firsly, before we can enable this NAT Port foward. We go to our network interface configuration. In terminal, insert


You will get vmnet something-something. Usually vmnet1 and vmnet8. If you have vmnet8 in lets modified the configuration of it. FInd your configuration usually located at
/Library/Preferences/VMware Fusion/vmnet8
If its not there, then use the find command

find /Library -iname "vmnet8"

Once you found that folder, edit the nat.conf so that it formats like this <external port number> = <VM's IP address>:<VM's port number>
. Here is an example I want to port foward.

8080 =

2222 =


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