LFS - Linux From Scratch
Since working in this new environment I don't have the ample time to blog around. Seems today I have sometime at home to blog, here is some thing to share. Linux from scratch or you can call it LFS. So what is LFS?
LFS is building your own linux distro. Unless you are using other distro's platform. Like I'm using here Meego. I'm trying to compile a complete distro into an embedded system. Does it called embedded system? Hmm..
So what is embedded system?
"An embedded system is a computer system designed to perform one or a few dedicated functions often with real-time computing constraints."
Words from wiki. So basicly, you build your computer and now the OS part. Brainslapped is a friend of mine's blog that plays around with AVR, Arduino and other electronics and stuff to get started on building an embedded from scratch.. So once combined. You get your own computer from scratch!!!!
Here is my work in progress. Well I used an old kernel version 2.6.23. Alot I have to do before this this can be bootup properly. Such as upgrading kernel version and dependencies. I have recently build certain things into here such as below.
augeas augeas-libs autoconf213 autoconf autoconf-latest bash binutils bison bison-runtime
boost-filesystem busybox bzip2 bzip2-libs chkconfig cmake coreutils coreutils-libs diffutils e2fsprogs expat expect file filesystem findutils findutils-locatedb flex gawk
gcc gcc-c++ gcc-gfortran gcc-objc gcc-objc++ gdbm gettext gettext-libs glibc glibc-common glibc-devel glibc-headers glibc-static glibc-utils gmp gmp-static
grep groff gzip iproute kbd less libcurl libtool libtool-ltdl libzypp
libzypp m4 make meego-release meego-repos module-init-tools mpage
mpfr ncurses ncurses-base ncurses-libs ncurses-static ncurses-term nscd
openssl packaging-tools patch patchutils perl perl-core perl-Glib perl-libs perl-version procps psmisc psutils readline rootfiles rpm rpmcheck
rpm-libs screen sed sysfsutils syslinux sysvinit sysvinit-tools tcl texinfo udev
udev-rules-nondefault util-linux-ng wget zlib zypper zypper-lib
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