Fedora 13: Upgrade

Fedora 13 is out. I'm in the process of upgrading my system  with 1.3GB of ugrades. With the slow internet here at home it'll take me days. I tried the Fedora wiki's way that is to applied using telinit 3. That way I will only be using prompts. While waiting for the downloads I played around with Vim and GCC..Hehe.. Playing with C. I longed missed C, now only PHP and MySQL.. I change back to telinit 5. For still depends on GUI. So this is what I've done in my upgrades.

I went to http://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/publiclist/Fedora/13/x86_64/ to get the release upgrade. Choose a ftp download link recursive down as linux/releases/13/Fedora/x86_64/os/Packages/fedora-release-13-1.noarch.rpm.

wget the link. Here is an example of a mirror that I choose.
wget -c ftp://ftp.crc.dk/pub/mirrors/fedora/linux/releases/13/Fedora/x86_64/os/Packages/fedora-release-13-1.noarch.rpm
While waiting for that to download, I manage to back up all my rpms and files. Just in case a bug araises. Then clean all yums cache by commands yum clean all. By then, the downloaded release is done!

rpm -ivh the release package. Now goddard is in my laffy taffy. The upgrading process takes a long time. So I finalize by yum upgrade -y. Still downloading maybe I'll reviewed back what is good or not in Fedora 13.


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