Super Karamba 2!!

What is super karamba? Super Karamba is a theme widget for your eyecandy KDE desktop. You can integrate alot of useful widget in which if you are a windows user you'll apply such as gadgets on your desktop.

Here is a useful website regarding this topic Here is some desktop integration with SuperKaramba.

Here is my desktop integration with my new SuperKaramba sidebar.

Here is some the explanation of my Superkaramba process.

Title=>cat /etc/system-release | sed -e 's/ release//'

Username=> whoami
Kernel=> uname -r | sed -e 's/.fc*.*//'
Architecture=> uname -m | sed -e 's/_/ _ /'
KDE Version=>kded4 --version | grep Platform | sed -e 's/.*: //' | cut -c1-6
QtK Version=>kded4 --version | grep 'Qt' | sed -e 's/.*: //'

*For graphic only Nvidia GPU in adaptive mode. If other than adaptive mode it'll be 0% for Memory and GPU.

 Title=>/sbin/lspci -nn | grep 'VGA\|NV' | sed -e 's/.*: //' | sed -e 's/\] .* (.*)/]/'
Temperature=>"/usr/bin/nvidia-smi -a | grep 'Temp' | cut -d : -f2 | sed -e 's/C//'
Mem%=>/usr/bin/nvidia-smi -a | grep 'Memory' | cut -d : -f2 | sed -e 's/%//'
Mem(freq)=>nvidia-settings -q GPUCurrentClockFreqs -t | sed -e 's/,.*//'
GPU%=>/usr/bin/nvidia-smi -a | grep 'GPU' | tail  -n1 | cut -d : -f2 | sed -e 's/%//'
GPU(freq)=>nvidia-settings -q GPUCurrentClockFreqs -t | sed -e 's/.*,//'
Proc Clk=>nvidia-settings -q GPUCurrentProcessorClockFreqs -t | sed -e 's/.*,//'
Driver Version=>glxinfo | grep 'OpenGL version string:' | awk '{print $6}'
GPU Version=> glxinfo | grep 'OpenGL version string:' | awk '{print $4}'


  1. You should check out It is a python module that exposes all the information you are interested in.


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