Hidden File: Revealed.

If you are using windows most virus attack your computer hides certain files and change it to a virus. Maintaining the icon and file name. For instance a document, event.doc, will be replaced by event.exe and the original file hidden. How to reveal back these files?
In this case, the execution file which is reveal is the virus. Double clicking such file will jeopardize your system. Effecting it with virus and many other unwanted behaviour that could occur to your system.

Let say you have many folders and every folders have many documents. You insert your pen drive then, *buff*. All files are changed. By glancing at it you won't notice it is a virus. Only if you have your computer settings set to default mode can you see it. So to view your original file, settings like show hidden files must be enabled. Blah..blah..blah. Ok enough jibbering how to clear dude.
Copy paste this command into notepad save as batch file. Be sure your batch file is in you hdd or pendrive you want to reveal.

@attrib -r -a -s -h *.doc
@for /D /r %%a IN ("*") do @attrib -r -a -s -h "%%a\*.doc"
There you have it all doc file reveal after you open the batch file.


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