LFS: package management

One thing about building LFS is that you have to compile all the package required so that you have a stable linux system. Other than that it saves you time on finding the right site to download what you want.

Here I manage to insert a freshly new distro into the embedded system with Intel Atom processor in it. One thing that got me figuring is why doesn't current kernel for the Intel Atom or ia32 couldn't just load up this thing. Maybe other things that I didn't look into I guess. What is it give me the light oh Mighty God so that I can accomplish such feat.amin.

At least I manage to use yum with fedora repo in my embed. I'm gonna try ubuntu after this and see what happens. For now I'm trying to stablize the system with Fedora relase distro. Was gonna try Meego, but somehow diverted to Fedora due to certain circumstances. Such as Kernel and also framework I guess.

Below is a pic of my embed connection through a rs232 serial port  to my laffy taffy and using minicom for communication. See how easy it is if you have a package management downloaders such as yum, pacman or even aptitude. It gets your dependancies with it. In the meantime, its my sleeping time. After I wake up my system will be updated. Before I reset/restart my system got to make sure I build a new kernel to go with it. Else it flops.

In the future if I was going to develope my own things such as embedded ICE or home automation. This is a start. Embedded system with Linux!!!!YEAY!!!


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