FYP Part 2: $query = "SELECT mika FROM aljendro WHERE $are=$you"

After successfully finishing my php scheme of work for MIKA next is my cpp. Even though I manage to integrate the connection slots for the queries but one or two bugs appear. Here I'll just show the output of my cpp programming side. By the way this is for linux os only. Windows user maybe some other time I'll look into it especially if they bring back the old Windows XP system into play.


This is the error form if you are not connected to database. Or Else this is what you get. So basically my structures in main calls the mysql database and then if connection is connected, which sends true the below form will appear.  The php nothing much editted and are like the previous part http://iahmyi.blogspot.com/2010/11/fyp-part-1-mika.html

So I think my programming on interface is setup and ready to load!! So now my hardware. The difficulty of me playing around on the second finale part is choosing the right ports. I was thinking of using parallel as it seems more easier to program and interface. I don't have to messed around with the timing sequence or the handshaking correlation I have to omit. Since I will just say YES!! or NO!! (bits of zeros and ones). Looking around at stores near me, I tried to find the adequate USB to parallel adapter. Hence, no luck. What I got was only a USB to serial. The adapter that they say can convert to parallel was a connection to parallel ports serially. Either I hacked my sister-law's HP Desktop and played around there or I'll be playing it as a series connection. One thing though, playing it parallel is much more easier rather than serial. As I can integrated with the broken 16x2 LCD that my colleague gave me. I can play it in series but I don't think I have the ample sources for acquiring other chips for serial to go parallel. So might as well just play parallel.
On thing that I just want to and up is the connection of serial. If let say I was to bypass the handshaking, I could do a loopback connection. Which I have implemented on the USB to serial adapter I bought. Here is the pic I took from my phone. Due unable to transfer to my laptop. I took a picture of it again using my webcam. So sorry for the quality of the picture. Huhu.

Maybe I will take another photo directly with my laptop. After I connected it with my interface, which is just an LED. My supervisor wanted it simple or else I will be compiling a full bind master's thesis.


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